My granddaughter was diagnosed with scleroderma/morpeha at 7yrs. old. The specialist said she was one of the youngest he had seen. She is now almost 12 yrs. old. When we lived in another state while she was 7 and 8 she was treated with an ointment plus UVA treatments 3 times a week. A horrible thing for such a young child to endure. As you said, there is no cure. However the darkened areas of her torso and legs have smoothed out and during this past year the dermologist suggested soon we may try a bleaching cream on the affected areas. Also, she will see a rheomotoligist sp?) soon to be certain it hasn't affected her internally. She has had two biopsies a few years ago which showed it was the linear type and had not affected her internally. However, a new dark spot in the last few months has showed up on her forehead! She is a BEAUTIFUL young girl. So we pray, and continue to treat her with care and love.