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My husband is 36yr.old and has just now beginning to have sezuires he has had 2 possibly 3 and was put on dylantin when he was hospitalized then was taken off because he was allergic and the dr. did not put him on anything else because this was a first time thing they ran all kinds of tests and can find no reason for this to be happening I have no clue of how sezuires work but when I first saw him have one I was terrified I thought he was dying because he made a loud noise then he began to tremble and muscles tensed up then he made like a continuos growling like noise and bit his tongue and then went unconsious so to speak he was breathing but was not aware of anything going on he done this 2x's with in a few hours they had to sedate and paralyze his body trying to find out what cause this but nothing have they found now he is feeling some dizziness and some memory loss If anyone has ever done this please let me know if you have any info. that might help like could this be cause from stress and maybe a one time thing at one time he took propulsid could this may contributed to this PLEASE HELP ME! I am a scared wife who needs some comfort.