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My name is MARA ION. I am 34 years old, married , with 2 children : Alexandra (4 years old) and Tiberiu ( 8 months old). Since my age of 22 years I have problems with my eyes. The diagnosis vas UVEITA TBC. I was operated in 1990 for complicated left eye cataracta. Now the eye is atrophied ( no light perception). In 1991 I was operated for the same disease to my right eye and now I can hardly see strong light and I can hardly perceive hand motion. Romanian doctors told me the only solution was a retina transplant but in Romania nobody has made such an operation before. Is there anybody who can help me in this situation ?!!! If there is , I would like to be the first who tries such an operation and I asume all the risks , because my great desire is to see at least my children.