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Our granddaughter who is now 21 years old, had either chicken pox or measles when she was two weeks old. She now has so many problems with depression and other mental health functons that we are wondering if the above could have brought this about. She was a beautiful, normal baby upon actual birth, but had many respritory problems growning up and did not seem to be able to function normally in school or at home. Now she does and thinks so irrational and has been jailed for her conduct and does not seem to learn from her mistakes or even care. I might add that at age 5 her parents divorced and it was very hard on her, but we don't think that could have this great of a negative effect - could you give me some answers - we don't know anymore how to help her. She married a super good man and has a one-year old baby and this influence of her conduct is certainly not good for the baby - and - she is divorcing, also. Thank you - Grandma