If your blurred vision is also associated with numbness of the face, lips or tongue you will want to see a doctor about this. This netting you see in bright light could be what's referred to in Othamology as Floaters or miodesopsia which is the technical term, Usually the patient sees black spots that move with the movement of the eye.These are more noticeable when looking at a white surface or by looking at the clear sky. This could be very annoying when the amount increases but the way to avoid it is not to look at clear or light color surfaces, and to focus the attention in something else. There are 2 types, one is Phisiological and it is considered normal, and it is due to the liquefaction of the vitreous that normally happens with age, and it is very common. Another physiological one is caused by the remaining of fetal artery that goes from the cristaline lens to the retina ( like an humbilical cord ) to nourish the lens, but it is reabsorved before birth. Sometimes the absortion is incomplete and it remains a little piece of that atrofic arterie, attached to the cristaline lens on it's back surface, and it is also called Posterior Polar Cataract ( which is not a cataract )but it looks like she shape of a comma, and the person that has it can easily notice it like the smoke of a dying candle, or like a tiny hanging dark thread that moves with the movement of the eye also. There is another that it is Pathological, and is due to deposits of cholesterol, hemorrages, or other debris into the vitreous, it can be observed in Diabetis and other mayor diseases of the eye.