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I have had this problem for years and have had no luck with treatment. My next step will be Radical Sugery. Which I am not sure I am ready for yet. My doctor tells me that will be the only thing that will cure the problem for good. I have had several surgerys to remove the cysts from under my arm-pits but they just keep comming back . I have been on short term antiboitcs and long term antiboitcs, nothing seems to relive the inflamtion . And oh my when they attach to a muscle thats a real killer. But like my doc says as long as I can live with the discomfort and the rest of the problems that go along. there is nothing I can do now but have the radical sugery of removing all the skin and sweat glands under and around my armpits and then having skin grafting done. But I am really starting to conceder that option. If anyone can please give me Ideas to try please do so.