I'm sorry to rain on your parade, and I'm glad you're seeing good outcomes -- but however good your individual results have been, you simply cannot safely generalize your experience to other MS patients. MS cannot be cured -- or for most people adequately managed -- by diet alone. Likewise, there are an awful lot of practitioners who label themselves "holistic" but who don't really know what they're doing. You would'nt ask a chiropractor to do brain surgery on you. So don't ask an herbalist or other alternative practitioner to treat a major neurologic disease without supervision by a properly qualified and licensed specialist. For most MS patients, a skilled neurologist should be your primary care provider and coordinator. Really good docs are willing to try out unconventional treatments, as long as there is no research indicating they may actively harm you -- and as long as your outcomes are carefully observed, analyzed, and discussed in the overall context of your health and life-style needs.