All the replies I have seen so far are very encouraging in that I know I am not alone in this matter. I did go to an orthopedic surgeion who insisted the proplem is partially in my back with pinched nerves in L5 on down. Foot Dr. wants to remomve neuroma on right foot, but that will not take care of the pain in ankles or on top of the arch of my foot. There are huge boney knots on the top of both of my feet. At the present, we have decided on physical theraphy on my back. Wierd thing was and is..is that the tens device they put on my back mimics the pins and needles sensation in feet...mostly right leg and foot. So I am leery of having the foot operated on. just for the neuroma. Neuromas are on both feet. Next option is to have spinal injections of cortesone to see if that will help. I did ask the foot dr. to do an MRI of my feet before he cuts on them. I am not able to get much help as my husband just died a year ago. I know that each of you that have responded to this forum are really great to respond. I did not know about DSR until one person posted. Also, have taken blood tests and I do have mild lupus whichis hereditary in my family. Does anyone have an opinion whether surgery will help my feet? I am skepticl and will not do it until the doctor does mri of the feet to see if that will reveal the problem. This is a wonderful forum and I hope we can keep it going until somebody finds and answer that will help us.