Hi-I would say if you have had TWO conficting opinions-you do NEITHER until you get a third opinion-from what I understand insurance will cover this BECASUE they are conflicting- NOTE:: my nephew at 16 had SAME surgery-well sort of only they put A ROD INTO his spine-he is 28 it is still there- He WENT TO THE SHRINERS HOSP believe me they ARE far better then ANY normal place-My son with CP goes to shriners also- and if your insurance WONT cover a third opinion-SHRINERS_if your inssurance wont cover it THEY WILL CALL the shriners orthepedic CLOSEST to you-it WOULD behoove you BELIEVE me- my son has ALOT of orthopedic surgeries to have in life-and NO ONE but shirners will touch him while a child-CALL them-NOW-take care and good luck