william mou asher
Message 1 of 1
doctor since eight years i have a problem in the urinary system . doctors found nothing . symtomps are burning during urination .lower back pain .weakness and pain in my legs .many times to urinate after drinking fluids like coffe alcohol etc .gets up several times especially in winter season to urinate feel pain also during urinating .Ican not control when ihave to urinate imade many examinations for urine and prostate fluid .results for urine was normal .for prostate fluid was staphylococcus albus my doctor say that it has no effect he wants me to drink fluids about 3 liters every day ihave take 180 minocine pellets and 120 pellets feradine also ihave took 90 pellets of cyprofloxacine without any improvement ihave made massage for my prostate also ihave an ultra sound for my urinary system result was; bladder good 'kidney good some enlargement has been reported doctors say that my protate is smooth and small ifeel discomfort and pain between my legs and under my testis also feel chilly when ican not go directly to urinate. please help me doctor. thank you.