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Do any of you know anyone who has an eye prothesis? Or do any of you have to wear a eye prostehis? The reason I am asking is because I wear a eye prosthesis, and I am in need of a new one. The prosthetic eye I have now is nearly 10 years old. Because the shape of a persons face changes with age, it is recommended, and almost necessary that a eye prostesis be replaced at least once every 5 years. My problem is finding a ocularist to make the eye. I live in a small town in Indiana about 15 miles east of Evansville. The prosthetic eye that I have now was made by a ocularist from St. Louis who traveled to Evansville to make my eye. The ocularist no longer travels outside of St. Louis, and I am wondering if any of you know of any ocularist that I could go to that are close to the Evansville, Indiana area? Thank you for any help you can give me.