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I was recently given Nexium to finish up a treatment for stomach ulcer. I had previously taken Prilosec 20 ml. The Nexium 40 ml was extremely hard on me. I had a sinus problem and sore throat during this time and took Amoxicillin 500 ml. for ten days . I asked if these two together were dangerous. I was told no...by doctor and by drug store. I became so weak I was in bed for two weeks before I could do anything. I have not felt good since and have had night sweats, and feel faint and so bad it is hard to define. Is this an untested situation (taking Amoxicillin with Nexium 40ml.? ) Are the doctors experimenting on we the people, and awaiting a report in case we die from their hairbrained practice ? I want to know if anyone else has had this experience. Please let me know.