I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was a teen. My gyno put me on birth control to regulate my periods and told me that we did not have to do anything else until I was ready to get pregnant. I have no family history of this syndrome that I am aware of. My mom, her sister, and my cousin had no difficulties conceiving. My father's sister recently passed away but was never married and no children so I do not know about her. I am now 30 and have been trying to get pregnant for about a year. My best friend was diagnosed with the same syndrome and now has a beautiful baby girl (almost 1 yr. old). I am going to the same specialist she did. I am taking Metformin (glucophage) 3x/day to regulate my insulin and Provera (spelling?) to bring on my period and Chlomophine (clomid) to bring on ovulation. The first cycle with these drugs did not make me ovulate so the doctor is increasing the clomid this month. I have also been successful @ losing 23 pounds since Feb 2001 by going to Weight Watchers. I would like to know if there is anything that has been successful in stopping the hair growth (or minimalizing it). Does it get worse with age? I would appreciate hearing from others with this syndrome.