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My 30 yr old daughter has been diagnosed with labyrinthitis this week. She is very disease to the point of nausea. She has not had a cold, ear infection, allergy, or sinus problem preceding this diagnoses. She is a nursing mother and the 1st med. recommended was not available to nursing mothers, so they gave her an RX for phenergan, which makes her very sleepy, She lives in Texas, has a 3 yr old and a 7 month old, so she cannot let herself go to sleep, she is a RN, wwith BSN and is baffled by this condition herself, What I find on web is confusing, some articles say you must stay still, some say you must force yourself to get use to the dizziness and move around a lot. How long does this last and what other causes other than those I have listed, I live in Ohio, but am going to see them the 21st, I sure feel bad for her and any advise you can give me will be greatly appreciated, and blessings to all of you who are coping with this dizziness!