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About One month and a half ago I had returned from our cabin in Wisconsin. It was a Sunday and I was walking through my house when I got very light headed. This was the start of all my pain. Sense that very moment my lightheadedness has not went away! When I say "Lightheaded" I have the feeling like my head is floating or the room is moving and it never stops. This has changed my life to the worst. I am falling into depression. I have been to every doctor (that includes specialists) I have been to the ER twice. (In a month and a half!) They have took blood from me, I had a CT scan, I am now wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours to see the rythmn of my heart. They thought it might be a inner ear infection. But they can't see it. I also have anxiety and panic disorder and they also say its in my head. Yeah right!!! I am always light headed, I am always light headed when I am walking around. Like everything is pushing down on me. Please help, I am very confused. I am only 20 years old. I tried xannix but that only made me more light headed. What's going on with me. Everyone thinks I am crazy. So do I...