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Hello!! I visited this site the night before my tonsilectomy. I thought i'd share my experience. I did not get sick from the anthesisa, like others told me.Or Had much bleeding going down my stomach. I could talk right after the surgery.( and not just a whisper!) Ice cream and popcicles did not help me.... only ice chips. My pain never got unbearable. about a 4 on the pain scale. and like someone wrote here before... just imagine your worst case of strep throat. My only problem was when I swallowed one of the steroids. It scratched the side of my throat and made me gag and cough for three hours. After 4 days i ditched all the meds..and then I felt like myself again.( kids tylonel helped!) IT's been three weeks now...and I do need extra sleep still and get tired very easliy. I just heard so many horrer stories from people...Hope my story helps! Melinda P.s. a little over of a week after my surgery I had to be rushed back to the Hospital with severe stomach pain. The Dr. thinks maybe the air tube irritated my esophogus. That was my tramatic experience! not the Tonsilectomy! I didnt wake up from the anthesisia twice so the tube had to be re-inserted twice. I dont remember any of it...thank goodness! I do have three chiped teeth and a fat lip to prove that it did happen!( I woke up the last time and fought them!) Good luck! Melinda