I had a birth defect at birth and didn't know about it until I was 22 years old. I started getting weak and had severe pain in my lower back and down one leg. I had low disk bone in the spine and it wasn't conected like it should. Well, I went and had a fuson in L-2-3-4 and now the Doctor wants to do more. I am 48 years old now and all of these years after my back surgery, I have had pain around the area where the surgery was done. It does bother me if touched. I guess it is all the nerves that has been interupted during the surgery. I did so much better for many years, but now that I am older, I am having more problems and I will not have the surgery the Doctor wants me to have because, it took me 1 year to get over it.. I don't know if this has answered you guestion . If you need to ask more please email me and I will be happy to answer more of your questions. Tina