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to all that had ask what is lipoedema i am here to tell you all that was told to me by my docters. i too have a problem with the swelling in the lower legs but as many of you know lymphoedema only affects one limb where lipoedema affects both. the difference between them is that lymphoedema is caused by the lymph fluid that is building up and always involves the feet. where lipoedema is the accumilation of fat cells that are unable to be excreted and the swelling is normally only in the legs and stops at the ankles. i suffer from lipoedema and have been through many test and the only form of any help that was told to me is to get liposuction for it. the insurance will pay for this cause if not taken care of it could lead to lyphoedema and blood clots in the legs from the fat cells pushing on them. i also have a great deal of pain in my legs and i do wear the jobst hoses. matter of fact i wear the 50 grade, which at times are unbearable to put on. i am a 31 year old female and have been battling this for many years. i have come to the decision to have the liposuction done to better my haelth and even though i know that i am what i am i still face the mirror every morning and wonder what if. i do have a very supporting husband who stands by me and loves me for who and what i am . but for those of you that wanted to know the differnce between the 2 there they are. if you have any other concerns please email me thank you