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My story is the same as I've read of others. I awoke one morning with neck pain, thinking that I had slept all night in a wrong position. As the day passed and the following days passed, my symptoms worsened to include shoulder pain, pain in my upper arm, lower arm, wrist, tingling/pricking/numbness and weakness. Sitting in a hot tub seemed to make it feel better, but the pain returned as soon as I got out. I was told it could be a pinched nerve or bursitis and was given pain meds, anti-inflammatory meds, and muscle relaxers. The pain has been so bad that sleep is impossible and no position seemed to relieve it. Pain is my constant companion. I just had an MRI and found that I have a herniated cervical disk and will see a neurosurgeon. I have spent the last three days resting, mostly in bed on my back with a pillow under my shoulders. The pain is less but quickly increases with any activity. I sympathize with everyone who is experiencing this problem as the pain is almost unbearable.