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My son Sean, now 11, was diagnosed with RAD at the age of 3. He was quite defiant, disrespectful of most people, hateful, and violent. In my quest for help I was referred to a child psychologist who started us on a therapy of "Holding Time." I was first instructed to read the book (Holding Time by Martha G. Welch) and then return to his office to begin our sessions in his office... later taking this therapy home to do on our own. This therapy is NOT fun and can be physically draining and emotional hell, but I was desperate to help my son and at wits end.... so we did it. For a whole year...(and then as often as necessary) we did it. I now have a healthy, happy, well adjusted 11 year old boy whom teachers now say has a wonderful heart and is a joy to be with. Check out the book and find help. There is hope! Good luck! Michelle Denver