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Hi I am a 62 year old who is being treated for Hep. C. because of the damage done to the liver because of the disease. I have worked for the same hospital for 26 years but have been on disability since Feb. The end of June I ran out of paid leave and sick leave. The end of Sept. I will no longer be able to continue paying for insurance. Because the hospital I work for is religious affiliated they do not have to provide COBRA. The insurance they do provide for up to one year does not cover pre-existing conditions. I have been told no insurance co. will cover me because of the Hep C. I cannot afford to pay for the medication, doctor visits and lab work. Does anyone out there no of 1. anywhere or any program available to help me. I also feel that since all hospitals including religious ones charge the same fees etc. they should all be required to treat their employees fairly and not be allowed to use their religious status to treat employees in an unchristian manner. I would like to fight this rule but have no idea how to go about it. Does anyone out there have any ideas. I would appreciate any help anyone can offer. Thank you Nancy P.S. I may have contacted Hep C working at the hospital or when I was 27 and received multiple blood transfussions when being treated for cancer.