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I have a very serious degree of thoraxic neuralgia, it is brought on by cold,windy weather, sitting ,twisting, each acute attack lasts approx 8 hours where i am completely incompacitated, in this severity of neuralgia running from third of way up spine coming around my middle, so i have to stand and walk all the time to try to stop acute attacks, and have fled england leaving all my family and friends because of the awful cruel weather. This has been a result of a car accident where I was unfortunately wrongly diagnosed and still not getting treatment in england 10 yrs on ,and my condition is deteriating more every year. I suffered these acute attacks every day in england before I fled to a warmer country to try to stop the vicious cycle that only a morphine injection relieves pain enough so I can just get to toilet ect ect. Is there anyone out there somewhere with the same problem as me with the pain completely dibillitating you, I would love to hear from anyone who suffers or knows about this condition:) Keren