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My mother has been in and out of the hospital for the last year with pancreatitis. Lately it seems to be every 2 weeks. Her amylase currently is 284 which is high and needless to say she is back in. She is in for chest pain 10 out of 10 this time though. They just happened to check her pancreatic enzymes. The doctors have done 3 ERCP's. They went into the bile duct and cleaned out sludge in the duct and widened the duct but still she continues with this pain in the upper right quadrant-severe along with nausea and vomiting. When she was in about 3 weeks ago the decided to give her a duragesic patch 50mg to change every 72 hours and a pain block which she has to go to a pain clinic for. This has relieved the pain but the problem still has not been rectified. As I stated her amylase enzymes are 284 and normal is below 190. Along with this now yesterday she had pain in the middle of her chest 10 out of 10 nausea and pain radiated down her left arm. Does anyone have any suggestions? I keep telling the doctors to send her to mayo clinic to see if they can find the answer but no one seems to be listening. Meanwhile I have a mother who is getting more and more depressed and is tired of being hospitalized and in pain. Any ideas?? HELP!!! This is not the life I had in mind for my mother.