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Hello,i am very mad and depressed about myself because I have a bad case of selective mutism. In school I am the most quietest person you will ever see!!The only time I will say something is if someone asks me a question or when im told to respond to something, but in other words, I am soooooooooo QUIET!!! Its like this everywhere I am!! It annoys me when people tell me that im quiet or ask me ''howcome you dont talk?''Almost everybody says that to me and its annoying!!I isolate in school for three reasons,I feel like im to quiet or different to sit with the others,I feel like im annoying others because of my silence, and because people keepon saying that im quiet.I am very angry,and if these people in school keepon asking me ''howcome you dont talk alot'' than that means they havent learned anything about phsychology.I think that all schools in all grades should have phsychology lessons and learn about selective mutism and other phsychology related lessons,just like math,science,social studies,reading,gym,technology,etc.The only people I can talk alot to now is my family and two best friends of mine.I know that I will force myself to stop isolating soon.I seem to be stuck to this problem,Im expieriencing this problem for 7 years already.I am trying to get help on a therapist and I have to know which phsychologist in New york are specialized in treating social anxiety or selective mutism.And also,Ive never met an selective mutism victim before,face to face,in person,and also I want to know who has this same problem as i wrote it in this post? I am 15 years old and I need help!!