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I am 25 years old and am now just figuring out that I may have some big problems. When I was in high school my periods were always irregular and I would go for months without having one. I have always been very active and my OBGYN chalked it up to that. I was always given provera to jump start things. However it wasn't until recently that I disconvered that Provera does not make you ovulate. Well three years ago I got married and went on the pill. My periods became regular and still I assumed that I was ovulating.... This past January I went off of the pill and it is now June and I have not had a period. It has been 6 months. I just went to the Doctor and was told that I may have PLOS. However, when I look at the information regarding that disease, I really only have a few of the symtoms. I have had some blood work done and am waiting for the results. I am also scheduled for an ultra sound. My biggest fear is that I will not be able to have children. I was told that if the provera does not jump start things which I am assuming that it will not becuase it hasn't in the past then they would put me on Clomid. All this to say that I am frustrated that through the years doctors have just blown this off. Thank goodness I am discovering this now. Has anyone been in my shoes? Will the Clomid work? Are there other things that I should be checking into?