I understand what you are saying about doctors blowing you off with a quick answer. They do not even check out the problem, they just say it's probably this or probably that. I have a horrible disease, which has no cure, that went undiagnosed for 8 months because of this very thing. What I have is not related to your symptoms or anything like that. I don't want to scare you saying that. That statement had to do only with the doctors response. Not so much exactly what they said, but how they said it. If I were you, and I had these symptoms, I would see a neurologist, or a neuro- diagnostic doctor. I would also have an EKG. Not to tell you what to do or anything, but after this happened to me with those doctors I changed doctors. In fact I changed every doctor I had that did this to me. If I happen to see a doctor who does this, or who talks over top of me to tell me what I am saying, and doesn't let me talk and finish what I am telling them, I do not go back. I look at It from the perspective that I pay this doctor for his services. To me, this does not include playing guessing games with my health, nor does it include telling me what my symptoms are. I had a gynocologist one time. I told him that I was having PMS. He told me that there was no way that I had PMS symptoms while on the pill. I knew what I felt. I went to another one, and found out that I had severe Endometrosis. This is in addition to the other disease that I am being treated for.. I hope this information helps you. If you have any questions feel free to email me at any time!