Hi, just a note to say I also had Sarcoid and it took a long time for the doctors to diagnose, I was 33 at the time, i started with swelling in knees ankles wrist, and then I couldn't walk or climb stairs at one point, I was finally diagnosed at CAmbridge Hospital in Cambridge, Mass. I also kept loosing weight I was about 120# and then the doctor told me I was very sick and I was put on 80mg of Prednisone a day, I then went up to 225#, I got fed up with my Doctor. Everyone will tell you, you look good, etc., but I know you feel a lot of pain and very tired, I could barely lift my arms to brush my hair, I had a bronchoscopy of my lungs and I had a punch biopsy of my leg,I had nodules all over my skin, thank God I am now fine, this is a disease that can be very debillitating. It can affect lots of body parts, you will be having lots of blood tests to check your sed rate, also pulmonary function tests, blood test, no one can feel your pain but you, I prayed a lot! One day a few years ago I was going to skip going to the doctor, but ended up going and met the mother of Mary Kate in the waiting room, I said do you go to St.E's are you here for the doctor? She said no, actually I am here with my daughter,she has a disease you probably never heard of,SARCOIDOSIS, well we exchanged phone #'s and you have to walk the walk to talk the talk. This disease is common in England,Netherlands and a lot of black people get this as well, but yes it is a disese no one ever heard of. Please start taking VITAMINS take 500mg of E 7 500mg of C,these are anti-oxidants, forgive some of the spelling, I will be praying for you, I know what you are going through, take care and God Bless and before you go to bed ask for God's healing,I am slso a Thyroid cancer survivor, I am now 52 and will be 53 God-willing on July 4th. I will keep you in my prayers.