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57 Yr.old, Male, Viet Nam Veteren. Have complained about memory loss for couple of years.Family and friends very aware of it, but have always been told, Oh thats normal, everyone forgets things. I can not remember any of my teachers in schools ( grammer, Jr. high, college ) Most of my friends I grew up with. Dates and times. How old was I in the 6th grade etc etc. What year my father died, or was it 3 years ago or 8 years ago. If someone or something interups me while I ame doing something, Its gone and hopefully I will remember it an hour or so later. I had a CAT scan a year or so ago at the VA Hospital, It was negative. No futher testing was done. I have had several mental test for memory, of course they were in a nice quiet room, and all answers were within a few minits after the test. If they waited and asked me the next week what day did I take the test, I probably could not answer it or would not be sure it was a week ago of two weeks ago.. Any one have any suggestions in which way to go.