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I have suffered from migraines since the age of 14. At 24 I developed chronic DAILY migraines for 3 1/12 years. I attended a clinic run by Dr. Saper (the best in migraine relief!!!) He is in Anarbor Michigan (if anyone may need his help). They were under control for 2 yrs and 3 yrs ago I was in a car accident. From that I developed Fibromyalgia, which is extremely severe currently. During my migraines I also had all the symptoms of the EBV but it was overshadowed by the head pain and thought to be from only that, same as the fibro. Recently I was blood tested for EBV and was positive for it. I think that there is a link between all of these diagnosis's. While in michigan there was a strong link between more than normal stomach aches and pains as a child for almost all the patients there. I wonder as adults if there are other people that have these chronic pain problems along with the chronic fatigue? Is there a treatment inpatient center in the US that you know about to treat these symptoms along w/ the appropriate medication mgmt? If you know of one or find that these symptoms hit close to home please let me know as I am extremely interested to know if these are all linked disorders for others.