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Hi Joni, At the age of three I had my tonsils removed and they have grown back! I know I am one of the strange ones, but it's true. I'm the mother of six children and I told my OB doctor perhaps that's what made me so fertil (smile). Putting all jokes aside, I've had this condidtion since I was approx. 6 years old. (I would get 'car sick' and couldn't read a book in the car, bus or on the train. It wasn't until I became an adult and had children when everything came to a head (I'm 52 yrs old). I live in Chicago and I became so dizzie I felt asthough I was about to fall onto the ELvated train tracks. That's when I knew I'd better see what was wrong with me. I did and the rest is history. Didn't mean to bend your ear- hope this will help you.