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I am now sixteen years old, and in the 10th grade, and I have lice, I have had lice since I was in 6th grade, we have tried everything, as a result, I am not aloud to have friends over, I can't go to other peoples homes, and we have spent to much money on this problem, and people at school talk about me because I scratch my head so much, it has spread around school that I have lice, and kids even stop being my friend because of lice! I wish that I could get rid of it, my sister has had lic since she was in kindergarden, and she is in 4th grade! WE CAN'T OVERCOME LICE! I am going to cut off all my hair this summer, and clean our house very well, in hopes that we will get rid of the lice, this will not be the first time that I have shaved my head bald, because of the lice!