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Hi, I have had Menieres Disease since I was 22. (I am 37 now) My 14 year old son had his first attack a year ago on his 13th birthday. Now my 9 year old daughter was just diagnosed a month ago. My brother and father also had Menieres so it runs in my family. My kids have really had a hard time with school and just plain being kids. So I know what you are going through. I know what they are going through as well. I have been through many things trying to get myself under control including a Vestibular nerve section. I now run a local support group and would be willing to talk to you anytime. There are more children out there. Prosper Meniere actually discovered the disease in a 14 year old girl. Children do get it even though it is rare. It real important to be supportive because other things may go along with the illness not just vertigo and hearing fluctuations. My children have a real hard time with concentrating and sometimes reading is very hard when their eyes are jumping. There are many more symptoms that can go along with it as well. Please write if I can help in any way. ~ Sally