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Help, I need someone to talk to. I suffer from over 15 different ailments, and it seem to have all started after my wreck which was in 87. I also have asbestosis, which is a lung disease. If there is anyone out there that can just tell me what to do, and how to cope. It is a struggle everyday, just to do nothing. Getting out of the bed is a hassle. I had to quit my job and go out on disablity. I would love to hear from anyone that has similiar problems as I have, and then some. We need all the support that we can give each other. Only those that are going through it really knows how the other one feels. The constant pain, burning, hurting and aching, bones cracking, knees a popping, back going out on you, and etc. is enough to put anyone in severe depression. I sympathize with everyone that has any kind of disabling condition. It is no fun. I am only 49 years old, and was diagnosed with all of this within the last 6 years. I went out on disablity 3 years ago. I worked till I could not work anymore. Please let me hear anyone of you out there.