Peggy Sue
Message 1 of 1
I have chronic back and hip pain, fatigue, stiffness in the am, myoclonus, discoid lupus (pertaining to the skin only), irritable bowel. I have seen Neurologist, Rhuematologist, Dermatologist, ect..all my test come back negative except for the discoid lupus and tears in my L4-5 area of my lower back. Half of the doctors tell me I have Fibromyalgia and the other half don't believe there is such a thing as Fibromyaglia. Even though I have every symptom. Please forgive me for being winded here, but I'm desperately looking for a good doctor who will work with me instead of blowing me off. I'm getting ready to move to North Carolina and was wondering if anyone knows of any good doctors in that state? Thanks all for listening and I appreciate any feed back that you might have for me.