I, too have been diagnosed with chronic yeast syndrome. I have also been diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, my symptoms first appeared after suffering from exposures to toxic chemicals. First, I was diagnosed with MCS and then chronic yeast syndrome in 1/97. I was later diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, as well as other disorders. I have had further testing at the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, Tx. and have learned that MCS, CFS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Yeast Syndrome all go hand in hand. I have to watch everything I eat and minimize my exposure to yeast products (ie. breads, pastries, etc.) I also have a mild milk allergy (which I never had before). So, this severely limits my diet. I have learned that if I eat more fruits and veggies (I grow my own, without pesticides) and drink lots of purified water (in glass containers only) that I do much better. There is also a powdered Nystatin that you mix with water yourself (but it is horrible). So, by watching my diet, I can control my Candida better. Good luck