Barbara Jackson
Message 1 of 1
My 14-year old grandson who is perfectly normal and healthy, except he recently suffered an injury which bruised his kidney - which is now healed. However, he's passing blood in his urine on occasions - no pain or other symptoms. 2 CAT scans, an IVP and a cystoscopy as well as a scoping of the kidneys, and urine cultures have been normal. The doctor did notice that the blood vessels in the walls of the bladder were inflamed, but doesn't know why. My grandson is being referred to a pediatric nephrologist. I asked God this morning to help me find the problem (my grandson has had more than 10 doctor appointments since March - he's a bit fed up and we are bewildered) I've searched and searched the internet many times, and found nothing similarly related to my grandson's situation. After reading several websites, I ran across your information on "interstitial cystitis", which I've never heard of before today. I'd like to share this website with the Urologist, but we really need an expert pediatric urologist or someone who specializes in children's IC's. Could you refer me? Thank you and God Bless you. Barbara