I had my tonsils out at 20 and Wow it did hurt. I have had other surgerys that don't even compare at this point in my life. Make them give you whatever pain reliver you prefer for tylenol/codine (baby meds) But I promise it will be worth it in the end those darn things if they are giving you trouble need to go you will feel so much better and will sleep like a baby after they are gone and get all the oxygen you need it is the best thing I ever did so go for it but be stern about what you expect for pain meds some Doctors are Stingey with meds if you think your Doc might be get another one. Not worth it lots of good surgeons out there. It truley is a simple surgery your age plays some part in it but it really is not a major thing you still are a young Man :0) Good luck to you go for it.