Karen Green
I am 33 years old and recently had eye surgery (for retinal detachment) and started experiencing dry eyes. What I was lucky enough to have run across was a relatively recent paperback called "The Eye Care Revolution". In it, there are therapeutic approaches (primarily vitamins and supplements) that have been used successfully. Some important ones are: beta-carotene, Vitamin E, Evening primrose tablets, and fish oil tablets. I started seeing results when I took closer to a higher end of the range recommendation for the evening primrose and fish oil, i.e. one evening primrose tablet and one fish oil tablet 3 times a day. If you choose to try this, I would recommend buying Eicotech's fish oil tablets since they remove the mercury and PCB contaminants from the fish oil. These supplements can be found in the vitamin aisle of your local grocery store. I hope you might find some success with this route too.