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I am a 29 year old female. My left collarbone hurt me for about 7 months to a year. I have a 45 pound almost 5 year old daughter that I carried and lifted as if she was still a baby. So, I thought I just pulled a muscle and just kept aggravating it. Also, I have always slept all my left side all night and when I would wake my shoulder and collarbone would be killing me. Finally, I went to the doctor and after a x-ray and examination, he diagnosed me with bursitis and gave me Celebrex for two months and told me to do aerobic exercises. I am feeling alot better but there is still some aggravation in the bottom of my shoulder and around my neck and between my shoulder blades. He also said that since I work on the computer all day that it would trigger it alot and would probably be an ongoing problem. Suggestions or Similar Situations???