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Hello, my name is Shauna from Singapore. I'm 20. I have a brother Kevin who is 10 who has this rare disease Fibro Muscular Dysplasia. He had an aneurysm in Dec 1997 and had it clipped. He has high blood pressure which stems from his kidney. He is living on one kidney presently. The doctors had tried to save the other but it had shrunk too small. They tried Angioplasty on the kidney vessel but failed and instead cut away the diseased part of the vessel. He is currently on daily medication for his blood pressure and epilepsy. March 12th this year 2001, he underwent another operation to clip another berry aneurysm before it ruptured. However he is having seizures on the opposite side of his body, which means that the seizures are not a result of post operation scars. His operation was carried out on the right side of his brain. Doctors here are not committing to what it actually signifies. I have been reading up and searching thru the internet and emails about this disease. It's difficult as it is very rare. My family is trying really hard to reach at least someone, a doctor who will be able to help us in any way at all. Please do contact us should you have any prognosis or diagnosis.