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I got sick in March with sore throat, fever and generalized aching. After numerous blood tests, xrays, cat scans, and being hospitalized--was found to have extremely high CRP and sed rate levels. Also tested positive for Epstein Barr Virus. Was sent to rheumatologist who put me on Prednisone. The side effects have been horrendous--already had a heart condition and this has just made it worse. Dr. was trying to taper me down on Prednisone dosage and within 48 hrs. all the symptoms were back just like they were in March including a temp of 100, generalized aching, extreme fatigue. So he has increased the dosage of the Prednisone again. I am questioning whether I have the disease-as doctor said, "I think you have PMR"--he isn't certain either, I don't think. Every symptom I have had could apply to Lymphoma, and yet, nothing has been followed up after the negative cat scans. Does ANYONE have any advice? I will see the doctor again next week and intend to discuss all this with him then. Meanwhile, I have been unable to return to work as each day brings new surprises and disappointments. I am depressed to the max.