Hi. I thought I had posted a reply to you, but I guess I did something wrong - I'm new to this board. We're basically in the same boat with my 16 year old daughter. She began having near-fainting episodes out of the blue about a year ago. She saw a cardiologist and wore a holter monitor for 24 hours. Everything turned up okay, so she was told to just make sure that she drinks plenty of water. She still has episodes of near fainting with weakness and vision disturbances (seeing grey or black spots), but her Dr. doesn't seem at all concerned. I have talked with other people who experience this also. At this point, I'd like to take her for a consultation with a neurologist. My son has problems with low muscle tone, so it seems possible to me that my daughter's problems may have a neurological cause as well. I'd be curious to hear of anyone else's experience with such episodes. Good luck with your daughter.