Catherine Moon
Message 1 of 1
my mom has pulmonary fibrosis. she was diagnosed last August.She can't take prednasone because of Osteo. She has started to have a severe cough with fleem. sometimes its bloody but mostly just yellow. Her blood pressure is from low 130 over 38 to 140 over 90. it goes up and down. she is on 3 on her oxygen now, increased about 3 mo. ago. the doctors will not tell me where she is at with this pulmonary fibrosis. The lung spec. tells me her lungs are better, but i feel they can't be. her skin color is pale white to grayish. she has a lot of confushion. she stuggles to breath. any movement is very taxing on her. just to go to the bathroom she can't breath she gasps for breath. its very hard to watch her. her weight is up and down 10 to 15 lbs. i can get it down and the next day its back up. the last three times i took her to the emerg.they sent her back home.i've learned how to get it down. would like to hear from someone who has experience with this disease. Please email me.