jeanmarie Kleppick
My 52 yr old husband has been suffering with shingles and the continuing pain from them, since 3/30. He still has a very large scab which hasn't yet fallen off, at the site of origin. But the biggest problem is the pain. After initially being on Vicodan and Percocet, which offered only sporadic relief, he is currently taking Amitryptaline, which sometimes works in shingles patients to ease the pain, even though no one is sure why. Well, the Amitryptaline takes the edge off, but his description of the pain,is that it feels like being stung repeatedly by bees that never go away. He's miserable.Any suggestions? Any encouragements? He was told by the Opthomologist who was monitoring the possiblity of optic nerve involvment, that he should "deal with it". The problem is...HOW?