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Can anyone please tell me about chronic fatigue syndrome? I am so sure I have this but have been told by a doctor that there is no tests to know if you have this and if you do have it no one knows how to treat it. I am 43 and am to the point it is a effort to get up each day. I have just an ubusual tiredness that comes and goes, comes more than goes, when i get this unusual tiredness i have to just go to bed and sleep. I can sleep 8 or 10 hours and still feel tired, and as I stated it is a unusual tiredness not just a tired feeling from working hard but a tired like if you cannot lie down and sleep that you just cannot function or do another thing. It seems to have gotten worse, I have had this for about 8 years and am tired of being tired, I have no medical problems that would cause this tiredness. It is so bad it is really interfering with daily life and is getting harder each day to go to work. Please let me hear from you if you have cfs so i will know if this is my problem and to try to get someone to help me. Thanks