Judith Bewley
I'm being treated for "Pernicious Anemia". My brother has it. I was also told it may be Myleodysplasia as my red blood cells are too large. I was told that I was still making enough--just larger in size.I am post-menopausal- so I wondered if many women go through the same thing I am going through. I was also told by one doctor that she was pretty sure it was "pernicious anemia" from my symptoms. I've been taking 1 cc. each month of B-12.Also, if a bone marrow test is done on me, will I be put to sleep? I've been told by one doctor"yes" and another "no". I'm afraid to have one done. Could there be another reason women who are post-menopausal start showing larger red blood cells and that it is not related to "Myleodysplasia"? My white cell count is normal. Thank you. I hope you understand my question.