I have all the symptoms of a blood clot, yet all the doctors seem to disagree. So last monday I had a Doppler Ultrasound Test done on my right leg. But before that, I was given one shot of heprin in my stomach just in case I had one. Well the test came back negative. So I was told to go home and take a couple of aspirins. Well the pain in my leg got really worse, so on thursday I had another Doppler done, this time the doctor said there was a mass on my calf, but not a blood clot. Come back in for another test on tues 17th. I spent Easter weekend with my right leg elevated. Today I had the third test done, then they told me yes it is a blood clot, it moved from my calf to the back of my knee. The doctor says they wont treat me until it moves above my knee. So my question is: What do I do now? I can't walk, I have crutches to support my leg, I have no feeling on the top of my foot. As soon asI bring my leg down from the elevated position, instant pain. Asprin doesn't help.All I do is sit on the couch with my leg up the back of it. Painfree. HELP ANY SUGGESTIONS.....Chris