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Hello, Almost a year ago (4th of July weekend), i was out camping with friends and on the way back I wasn't feeling to good - within 15 min. of getting home, I ended up with a 103 degree temp and what I thought at the time was a really bad sore throat. 15 minutes after that I was not able to talk. I went to my doctor and found out that I had strip throat and my fever had gone up to 104. Dr. had a cow that I drove myself to her office. A month prior to that I had my yearly physical and found out that I had high blood pressure again. The Dr. prescribed 2 medications. An antibotic for strip throat and Liptor for High Blood Pressure. I went home and took my antibotic. The next day I took 3 antibotic and 2 Liptors. The next morning I work up with a rash all over my legs (calves and thighes). The rash looked somewhat like chicken pox or measles (not sure which one). After the week that strip throat and fever finally broke - I went to a Dermatoligst and he did a skin grath. The grath results reflected no reactions to the medications. Dr. prescribed ointment and it almost started to clear the skin until about the 3rd month of use - my skin started to buckle up from thining of the skin. What a great collection to my already existing problem with rash. The rash does not itch. It has been over 7 months now and the doctors just keep adding or changing ointments (basically hoping one will work) without knowing what they are treating. Oh yeah - the first Dermatologist stated after first looking at my legs "I have never seen that before", just what every patients needs to hear. Needless to say I'm no longer utilizing his skills or lack of skills. Does anyone have any clues on what this could be or any suggestions? Thanks in advace :-)