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For the last 4 days, I've had a horrible pain in my lower left side. It seems to be more severe at certain times, and then less at others. For the most part, it hurts to move. It actually throbs when I have to yell, or cough. I've looked up they pain in many medical encyclopedias, and the only thing it sounds like is Diverticulitis. (Although I don't have a fever or sweling. But I did miss two periods, and haven't gotten one since February.) I KNOW I'm not pregnant, so that isn't a concern. My mother doesn't think I'm old enough for diverticulitis. (I’m 27) She thinks it's ovarian cysts. But according to what I've read, the pain is in the wrong place for that. I've had stomach problems all my life (pains, mostly whenever a stressful situation arises.) I've also been diagnosed with IBS in the past, but I've got pills for that. The pills did NOT help this pain, nor do any over the counter medications. Any ideas? I appreciate any information! Thanks.