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I am 38 years old male. I don't drink or smoke I am suffering from digestive problem starts with light headache. It starts out with light headache, face get swollen and body joints go in pain then I have 5 to 6 bowl movements a day. I see pieces of food undigested in my stool. During this period I loose my strength. After 5 or 6th day, I get constipated, then I start to recover. After 9 or 10 days the same cycle starts again. I am suffering for last two years. I do have lactose problem, but don't take dairy product at all. My Specialist cannot figure out what the problem is. Note: When I jog for more then 10 minutes, I feel pain in my stomach then it goes away gradually. Test done so far: HIV twice - negative Hep B and C -negative Scopy top and bottom - negative All sort of blood test - negative Bacteria test in stool - negative Bacteria test in stomach - Positive for H.plyori (Did course of Antibiotics) did not help xylose TT test - They found that I am not absorbing enough fat (They don't know why)